Customer Success

Digital Menu Design: Enhancing the Restaurant Experience

Did you know that a well-designed digital menu can boost your restaurant's sales by up to 5%? Crafting an enticing digital menu isn't just about aesthetics; it's a powerful tool to engage your guests' while maximising your revenue potential. From high-quality visuals to seamless navigation, exploring the art of digital menu design holds the key to having your diners scrolling, swiping, and craving more.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the advancement in restaurant menu technology and reasons why digital menus are becoming the new norm in the restaurant business. 


What is a Digital Menu?

In an age where technology weaves its way into every aspect of our lives, the restaurant industry is no exception. The adoption of digital menus is a trend that has been on a steady rise, transforming the way diners interact with food choices and the way restaurant owners manage their businesses.

Defining the Digital Menu

At its core, a digital menu is precisely what it sounds like – a menu presented in digital format. Unlike traditional printed menus, digital menus are typically accessible through electronic devices, such as tablets, smartphones, kiosks, or specialized menu boards

This transformation from static, paper-based menus to dynamic, interactive digital interfaces represents a profound shift in the way restaurant owners and their customers interact with food offerings.

A man displaying a menu on a tablet.

Understanding the Impact of Digital Menus

Your restaurant's digital menu is a powerful marketing tool that can influence customer decisions, boost sales, and shape your brand image. By embracing digital menus, you can offer a dynamic, engaging, and informative experience that sets you apart from the competition.

Crafting Engaging Digital Menu Layouts

Your menu's design is the first impression your customers get of your offerings. Let's explore how to create a menu that's not just a list of dishes, but an experience in itself.

  • Color Schemes and Branding: Colours evoke emotions and play a crucial role in brand recognition. Your menu's colour scheme should reflect your brand identity while ensuring readability. 
  • Typography and Readability: Selecting the right font and text size is essential for a user-friendly menu. Ensure that your menu is easily readable, even on small screens, and that the font aligns with your restaurant's style.
  • Organised Structure: An organised menu layout helps customers quickly find what they're looking for. Consider categorising dishes logically and using dividers or white space to avoid visual clutter.

Incorporating High-Quality Imagery

A picture is worth a thousand words, and in the case of your digital menu, it can be worth a thousand orders. High-quality imagery is a must.

  • Professional Photography: Invest in professional food photography to showcase your dishes in the best light. High-quality images can make your menu items more enticing and encourage customers to order.
  • Image Consistency: Maintain consistency in image style and quality. Use a uniform background and lighting to ensure your menu looks cohesive and professional.
  • Captions and Descriptions: Accompany images with captivating descriptions. Explain what makes each dish special and why customers should try it. Use persuasive language to entice their taste buds.

Prioritising User-Friendly Navigation

Your menu might look great, but if it's not easy to navigate, it can frustrate customers. Ensure your menu is user-friendly for a seamless experience.

  • Clear and Logical Categories: Categorise your menu items logically, making it easy for customers to find what they want. Consider options like "Appetizers," "Main Courses," and "Desserts" for a straightforward layout.
  • Search Functionality: If you have an extensive menu, a search function can greatly enhance the experience. It allows customers to quickly locate specific dishes without scrolling endlessly.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: In today's world, many customers access your menu on their mobile devices. Ensure your menu is responsive and looks just as appealing on smartphones as it does on desktop screens.
A woman using her phone to order food online.

With captivating menu layouts, top-notch visuals, and seamless navigation, you craft an unforgettable dining journey that stays etched in your customers' memories.

Check out our "Menu Designing Guide" for a deep dive into the world of menu design and start reaping the benefits of a well-crafted digital menu that sets your restaurant apart.

Technology and Menu Updates

Your menu is your restaurant's face to the world. To keep it fresh, engaging, and responsive to customer needs, you can't ignore restaurant menu technology's role.

Integrating Tech Innovations for Dynamic Menus

Here's a closer look at some key tech innovations:

Digital Menu Boards

Digital menu boards are more than just digital displays—they’re the dynamic gateway that captivate diners' attention and enhance their dining experience. They offer an array of benefits, such as:

  • Engage your customers with visually appealing digital displays. Showcase mouth-watering images and videos of your dishes to tempt diners.
  • Menu changes are common. With interactive menu boards, you can easily update your offerings in real time. Whether it's a new special or a sold-out item, your customers will always have the latest information.
  • Tailor your menu to each customer's preferences. Use data to suggest dishes based on past orders, dietary restrictions, or allergies. Personalization makes customers feel valued.
  • Boost your sales by suggesting complementary items when customers make their selections. For instance, if someone orders a burger, offer them the option to add fries or a soft drink for a special price.

Self-Service Kiosks

Self-service kiosks have revolutionised the restaurant industry by:

  • Eliminating the risk of human error in taking orders. Customers can review their selections on-screen to ensure accuracy.
  • No one likes to wait in long lines. Self-service kiosks allow customers to place their orders and pay quickly, reducing wait times and improving the overall dining experience.
  • Kiosks excel in managing diverse customer queries and facilitating transactions, offering broader utility in supporting employees and enhancing the customer experience.
  • While the initial investment in self-service kiosks may seem significant, they can save you money in the long run. With fewer staff required for order taking, you can allocate resources more efficiently.
A man using a self-service kiosk.

The Role of Apps and QR Codes in Menu Updates

Now that we've explored the big-picture tech innovations let's zoom in on the nitty-gritty details of apps and QR codes.

Mobile Apps: Your Restaurant in Their Pocket

In a world that's constantly on the move, mobile apps have become a must-have for restaurants. They offer a direct and effective way to connect with your customers.  UrbanPiper’s Meraki is one such great tool that helps create customized mobile apps for your restaurant. Here's why you need a restaurant app:

  • Customers love convenience: A dedicated mobile app allows them to access your menu, place orders, and make payments with just a few taps on their smartphones. It's all about making their lives easier.
  • Reward your loyal customers: Create in-app loyalty programs that offer points for each purchase, and let customers redeem them for discounts or freebies. It's a win-win that builds customer loyalty.
  • Direct line of communication: With a mobile app, you have a direct line of communication with your customers. Send them updates on special promotions, new menu items, and upcoming events through push notifications. It's a powerful tool to keep your audience engaged.
  • Online ordering: Online ordering through mobile apps has become a direct channel to reach tech-savvy customers who seek convenience, speed, and customization in their dining experiences. Allow customers to place orders directly through your app, with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. You'll streamline your operations and offer a seamless ordering experience.

By incorporating UrbanPiper’s Meraki into your restaurant business, you can create a custom branded online ordering system. You get a website and mobile app that together allow you to take direct orders without having to pay hefty commissions to third-party aggregator platforms. 

Trusted by top brands such as Subway, Chili's and many others, Meraki boosts your online presence.

QR Codes: Instant Menu Access

QR codes have gained immense popularity and for good reason. They offer instant access to your menu and enhance the overall dining experience. Here's how you can make QR codes work for your restaurant:

  • Print QR codes on your tables, menus, or even signage. Customers can scan the code to access your digital menu, making it a safer, touch-free experience.
  • Integrate the Urbanpiper QR Code ordering feature which allows customers to browse your menu, place orders, and make payments right from their smartphones, providing convenience and efficiency.
  • Use QR codes to direct customers to exclusive offers and promotions. This encourages sales and repeat visits, as your customers know they're getting a special deal.

If you’re interested in learning more about QR codes in restaurants, check out our blog on 5 Advantages of Using QR Codes in Your Restaurant. It provides a comprehensive guide on how to create QR codes for your restaurant business.

Updating Beyond the Menu

Updating your restaurant menu isn't just about introducing new dishes; it's about keeping your brand fresh, exciting, and relevant. But how can you ensure that these changes resonate with your audience? Here's how:

SEO for Menu Updates

To make sure your menu updates gain maximum online visibility, you need to optimise your website for search engines. Here's how:

  • Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords related to your cuisine, location, and menu items. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to discover the most searched terms.
  • On-Page SEO: Optimise your website's meta tags, headings, and content with these keywords. Ensure your menu is easily accessible and readable by both search engines and visitors.
  • User Experience: A fast, mobile-friendly website improves user experience, which is a crucial SEO factor. Ensure your website is responsive and loads quickly.
  • Local SEO: Claim your Google My Business listing, encourage reviews, and maintain consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone) information.

Promoting Menu Changes on Social Media

Social media is an incredible platform for promoting your menu updates. Here are some strategies to make the most of it:

  • Stunning Visuals: Invest in high-quality food photography to showcase your new dishes. Images that make mouths water are shareable and engaging.
  • Hashtag Strategy: Use relevant, trending, and location-based hashtags on platforms like Instagram and Twitter to increase the reach of your posts.
  • Engage with Your Audience: You can create a poll on Instagram stories asking people to guess what the new dish might be, or share behind-the-scenes photos of your chef preparing the dish on Facebook. Respond promptly to comments and messages. Encourage customers to share their experiences with your new menu items.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with local food influencers to create buzz around your menu updates. Their followers trust their recommendations.
Trusted Partners: Chilli's, Subway & O! Cookies

Effective Communication with Staff and Customers

Effective communication is the cornerstone of restaurant success. Beyond just updating your menu, it's crucial to maintain clear, consistent, and engaging communication with both your staff and customers. Here's how to achieve this for a seamless dining experience:

 Internal Communication

Smooth internal communication is vital for successfully introducing menu changes. Here's how to ensure everyone is on the same page:

  • Training: Train your staff thoroughly on the new menu items, including the ingredients, preparation, and customer questions.
  • Feedback Loop: Create a system for your staff to provide feedback on the menu changes. They are the front line and can offer valuable insights.

Customer-Focused Communication

Your customers need to be informed and excited about the menu updates. Use these strategies:

  • Menu Inserts: Place informative inserts on your tables, highlighting the new dishes and their special features.
  • Online Updates: Keep your website updated with the latest menu changes, and use blog posts to share the stories behind these new additions.
  • Email Marketing: Send out newsletters to your subscriber list, showcasing the changes and offering exclusive promotions.


Digital menu design is transforming the restaurant experience. Embracing technology, from digital layouts to interactive menu boards and QR codes, enhances customer engagement and streamlines operations. 

To help you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of menu management, there are powerful tools at your disposal. One such tool is UrbanPiper's menu management feature for restaurant owners. It simplifies the process, offering a seamless way to make updates, track their impact, and keep your menu engaging and current.

Ready to see it in action? Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have. We're here to make restaurant management easier for you.

Damini Chandankar
Content Marketing Manager

Blending industry insights to craft delectable content for restaurateurs is my passion.

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